Site Policy

Please read the following when accessing this website. By accessing this website you will be deemed to have consented to all terms and conditions below.


All copyrights and moral rights to the content of this website (“Content”) belong to Miura & Partners and/or the provider of the Content. Unauthorized reprinting, reproduction, transmission, translation, adaptation, alteration, addition or other use of the Content is strictly prohibited except as permitted under copyright laws.

Link Policy

Prior consent is required to establish a link to this website. Please contact us through the contact form with your name, contact details (address, telephone number, email address), URL of the website from which the link will be established, operator of the website (including entity name, address, representative, and contact details), overview of the website, and purpose of establishing the link.

Regarding Use of the Contact Form

Please read the following disclaimers with regard to use of the contact form.

We do not provide legal consultation on this website. Please note that we cannot respond to requests for free legal consultation or legal opinions. Furthermore, Miura & Partners bears no responsibility for any damages that arise from response or lack of response to such requests.
No information provided via this contact form shall be construed as confidential.
In addition, we do not promise to reply to inquiries submitted via this form, nor to reply within any certain period.
We do not permit any solicitation of the firm, any attorney belonging to the firm, or any other member of the firm, or any other sales activities through the use of this contact form.


Although we closely monitor the Content (including information provided by third parties) for accuracy and validity, we make no guarantees about its accuracy or validity. Furthermore, we do not provide legal advice through this website. Therefore, we are not responsible for any damage arising through the use of this website or the information contained therein.

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